The most popular questions about Pxt-cardtopup

In order to cancel your Cardtopup subscription, please provide the email address you used when you subscribed and enter it in our "Cancellation" section. That's it, your cancellation is considered.

If you see Cardtopup or Pxt-cardtopup on your bank statement, it means that you have taken out a subscription. In order to cancel your subscription, please take the email address you used when you subscribed and enter it in our "Cancellation" section.

The experts at Pxt-cardtopup have set up a cancellation platform that is accessible to everyone but also completely free. In order to help you and accompany you as best as possible in the process of cancelling your subscription, we take care of the entire cost of cancelling your subscription. Thank you Pxt-cardtopup

You can contact the Pxt-cardtopup advisors

We guarantee a response time of our advisors in less than 48 hours!

The cancellation of your subscription is considered as soon as you enter the email address you used when you subscribed. It's free, easy, and immediate!


Cancel your subscription

In order to cancel your subscription, please have your email address used when you signed up for your subscription and enter it in our "Cancellation" area.
